
Showing posts from November, 2023

Machine Learning, an application of Artificial Intelligence

Machine learning is indeed a crucial application of artificial intelligence (AI). It involves the development of algorithms and models that enable computers to learn from data and make decisions or predictions without being explicitly programmed for each task. The primary goal of machine learning is to enable systems to automatically improve their performance over time as they are exposed to more data. There are various types of machine learning approaches, including Supervised Learning which involves training a model on a labeled dataset, where the algorithm learns the relationship between input features and corresponding output labels. The model can then make predictions on new, unseen data wheather unsupervised Learning approaches the algorithm is given unlabeled data and tasked with finding patterns, relationships, or structures within the data without explicit guidance and Reinforcement Learning which is a type of learning where an agent learns to make decisions by interacting wi

Artificial Intelligence: What It Is and How It Is Used

Artificial intelligence (AI) is truly a revolutionary feat of computer science, set to become a core component of all modern software over the coming years and decades. This presents a threat but also an opportunity. AI will be deployed to augment both defensive and offensive cyber operations. Additionally, new means of a cyber attack will be invented to take advantage of the particular weaknesses of AI technology. Finally, the importance of data will be amplified by AI’s appetite for large amounts of training data, redefining how we must think about data protection. Prudent governance at the global level will be essential to ensure that this era-defining technology will bring about broadly shared safety and prosperity. When most people hear the term artificial intelligence, the first thing they usually think of is robots. That's because big-budget films and novels weave stories about human-like machines that wreak havoc on Earth. But nothing could be further from the truth. Artifi

Full-stack Development and DOCC Kolkata

FULL STACK DEVELOPMENT: Full-stack development involves the creation of both client-side and server-side software, and it is expected to be one of the most popular technologies in 2021. The internet, a relatively new technology, was growing around the globe as the twenty-first century began with the dot-com boom. Websites were only simple web pages back then, and web development wasn’t the complicated industry it is now. Web development nowadays includes both a front end and a back end. Websites have a client side—the website that you see—and a server-side—the website that the corporation controls—especially in industries related to services like retail and e-commerce. Web developers are often assigned to either the client side or the server side of a website. Being a full-stack developer, on the other hand, allows you and your firm to operate on both ends of the web development spectrum. Client-side or front-end development typically necessitates familiarity with HTML, CSS, and Bootst